H. Becker

H. Becker Cask Strength Irish Trinity Whiskey 0,7 l | Alc. 65% vol.

Item number Cask Strength Trinity Whiskey

  • „Original Irish Spirit"
  • Triple distilled
  • Irish Whiskey
  • Non chill filtering
  • Natural colour with no added caramel
  • Love, Friendship and Thankfulness
  • Alc. 65% vol
  • No sale of alcohol to minors under 18 years. Age verification is done by DHL age sight check.

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    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

    H. Becker Trinity Cask Strength Blend is a shared „Blend in Spirit“ of Love, Friendship and Thankfulness or in Irish „Grá, Cardieas, Buíocheas“, between true whiskey friends from Ireland and Germany. Our Trinity Cask Strength Blend is a handcrafted Triple Cask Finish „Trinity Blend“ of all three types of Irish Whiskey: Single Pot Still in Bourbon Cask, Single Grain in Virgin Oak Cask and Single Malt in Sherry Botas. Non chill filtered with no added colour for maximum natural flavour. Triple distilled and single cask married for a limited release of just 285 individually numbered bottles at Cask Strength.

    H. Becker Cask Strength Irish Trinity Blend Whiskey is an „Original Irish Spirit“.

    •     Small Batch releases of just one cask per batch
    •     Triple distilled
    •     Blended, married and finished in hand filled individually selected casks
    •     Non chill filtering
    •     Natural colour with no added caramel
    •     An affordable, Premium Irish Whiskey Blend
    •     Appeals to both Whiskey beginners and experts alike

    Tasting Notes 
    Unique blend of selected Non Age Statement Single Grain, Single Malt and Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey Married and Finished in Bourbon Casks

    Nose Intense oak, vanilla and warm butterscotch with a hint of lemon pie.

    Taste Immediaate surge of oak char and dark honey followed by a burst of Pot Still spices. It takes just a small splash of water to tame the beast and release rich dried fruit, ginger and citrus flavours.

    Finish Long finish. Spicy notes of Pot Still Whiskey linger strongly before fading gently to a gentle finish, dried apricot and malt at first, fading to a creamy sherry cask finish.