
Portmagee Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 0,7 l | alc. 40% vol

Item number Single Pot Still Single Cask

  • Original Irish Whiskey
  • No chill filtering, no artificial colour and no added caramel
  • Blended, married and bottled by hand in individually selected Barbados rum barrels.
  • Alc. 40% vol
  • 0,7 L
  • No sale of alcohol to minors under 18 years. Age verification is done by DHL age sight check.

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    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

    Portmagee Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey is a single cask bottling of just 333 hand numbered bottles of Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey triple distilled from a mash bill of malted and un-malted barley and finished in a hand chosen Barbados Rum Cask.

    Our heritage honours the original Seine Boat Fishing Families of Portmagee’s Wild Atlantic Seaboard. Our unique character is enriched by finishing in wooden casks infused with Barbadian Rum -remembering Captain Theobald Magee, an 18th century adventurer famed for smuggling Spirits from the South, back to his Home of Portmagee.

    • A Super Premium Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey
    • Triple Distilled in Copper Pot Stills from a mash bill of Malted and Un-malted Barley
    • No chill filtering, no artificial colour and no added caramel
    • Limited edition release of just one cask at a time
    • Just 333 hand-numbered bottles per single cask release
    • A Premium and Highly Collectable Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey in a Unique Barbados Rum Cask Finish

    Tasting Notes 
    Portmagee Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey in a Barbados Rum Cask Finish.

    Nose Warm evocative nose of barbados rum with notes of sweet marzipan, rich dark chocolate and coarse-cut old time seville orange irish marmalade.

    Taste Luscious, creamy mouthfeel with a tingle of hot spicy pimento berries, root ginger, dark sugar, and toffee apple.

    Finish Warm all-spice and rich demerara sugar fades to coconut, toasted almond, and a finish of dark barbados rum.