
Cúbhar Single Grain Bourbon Cask Irish Whiskey, Aged 12 Years, alc. 46% vol, Cognac Cask Finished 0,7 l

Item number Cognac Cask 46%

  • Single Grain Bourbon Cask
  • Aged 12 years in a Bourbon cask
  • Finished in a Cognac cask
  • Triple Distilled
  • Small Batch Cask 1 with numbered bottles
  • Non chill filtered, no added colour
  • No sale of alcohol to minors under 18 years. Age verification is done by DHL age sight check.

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    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

    Cúbhar Single Grain Bourbon Cask Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey is an ultra-premium 12 years matured Single Cask. Single Grain with finish in a cognac cask. 
    Distilled, matured and bottled in Ireland.

    • Single Grain Single Cask Irish Whiskey
    • Matured for 12 years in a Bourbon cask and finished in a Cognac cask
    • Small Batch Cask 1 with numbered bottles
    • Alc. 46% vol
    • Non chill filtered, no added colour
    • Filling year 2009, Bottled in 2023 in Ireland

    I R I S H  |  B E A U T I F U L  W I L D

    Matured carefully for 12 years in a Bourbon cask and finished in a Cognac Cask, which imparts unique flavours, this whiskey is non-chill filtered, with no added colour. Out expert cooper selects only the finest casks for our single cask maturing process, which is the key to producing a magnificant natural flavour.

    Nose Smooth, easy on the nose, caramel and milk - almost like a caramel bar, nose filling, apples and pears.

    Palate Warm, mouth-watering, full, smooth, honey, oats, creamy, fresh.

    Try it your preferred way; neat, over ice or with a splash of water to release diferrent, rich flacours.

    Experience the Twin Concept with our unique Cubhar Collection.